Level 3

Our Senior School runs in two Semesters. Some courses will run over both semesters while other courses may only run for one semester. You will work closely with your whānau teacher to map out your course and pathway to ensure that you are best prepared for life beyondTe Paepae o Aotea.

This year you will notice that some courses are cross curricular (standards that are assessed come from more than one subject area). You can still gain Merit and Excellence endorsement in these courses. This pathway booklet is designed to give you and your parents information about courses that you can choose to study at Te Paepae o Aotea. We provide opportunities for students to study at a level appropriate to their learning needs.


When selecting subjects, you need to think about:

What subjects do I or would I enjoy?

Take time to read the subject descriptions.

What subjects am I good at?

This may lead to gaining merit and excellence endorsement.

Where does this subject lead to?

Is this subject a University Entrance subject or does it lead to a different pathway? i.e. Vocational Pathway

What qualifications do I need for tertiary study and/or for the work that I hope to do when I leave school?


A good place to investigate what subjects would be useful for your desired pathway is Career Quest.


You may also like to speak with Mr Elgar, the Careers Advisor. It is especially important to check the careers that require you to take Mathematics and Science in the Senior School.


Mr Elgar
Careers Lead

NCEA Level
Level 3
60 credits are required at Level 3 and above The Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements must also be met.

Students are expected to complete a course in English and are strongly encouraged to take a course in Mathematics. Students who plan to study at university should carefully check the UE Literacy and Numeracy requirements.

Y12 students should aim to get the L2 credits needed for UE Literacy – 5 in Reading and 5 in Writing.