Leadership Opportunities

Te Paepae o Aotea encourages student leadership. We are committed to being a student-led, student-centred school. Students are given leadership training opportunities and are encouraged to take on positions as role models for other students. Head Students as well as Awa, Whānau and Service Leaders contribute to the leadership of our school. There are opportunities for both senior and junior students to be leaders.

All leaders display and role model our values, as set in Te Paepae o Aotea values.

Head Students

Four Head Students work together to lead our school. Each Head Student holds responsibility for one of the following aspects of school life; sport, culture/arts, academics, community.

Head Students report to our Tumuaki and meet regularly.

Academic Kia Silva

Kaia Silva

Head Academic Leader

Responsible for Academic achievement within their whare at designated year levels, to lift results and create different initiatives to uplift academic results.

Sports Sha-meel Chengan

Sha-meel Chengan

Head Sports Leader

Responsible for LRA activities and uplifting the school’s sports culture.

Cultural Tamati Horo

Tamati Horo

Head Cultural Leader

Responsible for creating a culture of inclusiveness. Hosting, planning and running events for things such as Music, Art and Kapa Haka.

Community Emilia Scott

Emilia Scott

Head Community Leader

Responsible for creating and maintaining consistent connections with the community and supporting not only our school community but our wider community as well.

Awa Leaders

Each Awa is led by four Junior Awa Leaders and four Senior Awa Leaders. Awa Leaders lead and work with their Whare Pastoral Leaders to organise their students in the inter-house activities/competitions throughout the year. They are responsible for developing and driving the culture of their Awa.

Senior and Junior Awa Leaders take on an additional responsibility in one aspect of school life; sport, arts/culture, academics or the community.

Junior Awa Leaders work with their Senior Awa Leader buddies.

Awa Leaders report to and work with their Whare Pastoral Leaders to run their Awa Assemblies and build their culture and identity. Senior Awa Leaders will work with their Head Student with the same area of responsibility.

Whānau Leaders

There are two Whānau Leaders within each Whānau Class. Their responsibilities include promoting and organising school and Awa activities. They also support the Whānau teacher with regular duties. They ensure Awa culture is strong and evident in their class.

Whānau Leaders report to their Whānau teacher and Awa Leaders.

Service Leadership

In 2024 a Service Leadership Group will be formed these students will hold responsibilities in important areas that support our students around the school. Service Leadership roles include:

Resource Centre, bus, lunchtime recreation equipment distribution, kai duties, school environment, plus any others that are needed.

Leaders of service areas work alongside staff in charge and the Community Head Student to ensure the smooth running of daily life at Te Paepae o Aotea. This leadership group will meet regularly to plan, problem solve and support each other in their roles.