Scholarships and Career Advisor

Career Guidance Advisor

As a team we aim to track the academic progress of all students and to help them make informed decisions about their steps beyond school.

Our team of Whānau teachers supported by Whare leaders and subject teachers and support staff actively support students in making option choices and give guidance on possible career pathways. Requests can be made for one-on-one career guidance sessions. Parents are also encouraged to come in with their child to discuss future pathway options.

Careers guidance can help students to:

  • Examine their strengths
  • Start exploring possible career pathways
  • Research and find resources to help them to make informed choices
  • Investigate possible links with future learning providers and the world of work
  • Get assistance in writing a CV or in completing tertiary study and accommodation applications and gaining scholarships
  • Access possible work experience opportunities

Up-to-date information regarding University open days, scholarships, tertiary courses, apprenticeships and employment pathways is available in our Transitions Office in Gray Block.

Career Pathways

Not sure of your future direction? Visit our Transition Office to see Sue or Deirdre in the first instance. If necessary see Mr Elgar or email particularly if it involves University or if it involves apprenticeships or work directly, see Mrs Campbell

Thinking of leaving at the end of Year 11 or 12? Have a chat with your whanau teacher and Whare Leader first. If you are thinking of an apprenticeship, you stand a much better chance if you have achieved Level 2 NCEA and have your required numeracy and literacy credits.

Thinking of university? University Entrance (UE) is the minimum standard for entrance to a NZ university. However, universities and other tertiary providers also offer preparation courses for students without University Entrance or an equivalent qualification. Check carefully with each university. Some students who wish to go to university from Year 12 are also eligible to gain Discretionary Entrance based on outstanding Year 12 results.

Investigating what’s available to you is worth every minute you spend on it, and a little planning will help you make the most of opportunities.  All universities and tertiary institutions have open days for Year 11-13 students, and attending these is a great way to get a feel for a particular institution.

It is important that you work out how you are going to fund your study and living costs. Loans help you to pay your course fees from your second year on (current frees free government policy), study materials (e.g., books, computer) and living costs. You may also be eligible for a student allowance. This is a weekly payment that can help with living expenses while you are studying.

You can find out through Studylink:

Click on the image to view the PDF

Scholarships: To help students study

Scholarships recognise academic/ sporting/ cultural excellence and potential and provide talented students with an opportunity to further develop their knowledge and skills and receive additional financial support.

It is important to remember that you can apply for as many scholarships as you like and at multiple universities. However, you can only accept the scholarship from the university that you will be attending.

If you are of Māori or Pasifika descent, please make sure you check to see what specific scholarships the universities are offering.

Local Scholarships are offered each year. Check details from the Transition office. They are also advertised on SchoolApps. (Download from Playstore.)

  • Personal statement – academic achievement, leadership, sporting, cultural and community achievements and involvement
  • Statement about your study plans and ambitions
  • List of accomplishments, awards, leadership positions
  • Academic results
  • References – one of these is a confidential reference from Te Paepae o Aotea and you will need to request this reference from Mr Elgar.