Whanau Hui

Junior Whānau Hui

Students begin and end their day in their Whānau class. This will become their base. Whānau teachers are the first point of contact for students and whānau. Whānau teachers know their students very well and are able to support them as needed. During Whānau hui, students and teachers will say Karakia, mark attendance, read the notices and are led through our school values – learning Te Paepae o Aotea values.

Individual Learning Programmes are planned and reviewed at this time. Students also work through the Social and Emotional Curriculum by completing activities to support their wellbeing and personal growth. Junior students who are using school issued devices will store these safely for charging overnight in their Whānau classroom. Students will collect and return devices during Whānau hui.

Students will often have Awa hui on Monday morning prior to Tuakana-Teina time.

Senior Whānau Hui

Students begin the day in their Whānau class. Their Whānau teachers are the first point of contact for students and whānau. Whānau teachers know their students very well and are able to support them as needed.

During Whānau hui students and teachers will say Karakia, mark attendance, read the notices and are led through our school values, learning Te Paepae o Aotea values. Individual Learning Programmes are planned and reviewed at this time.

Students also work through the Social and Emotional Curriculum by completing activities to support their wellbeing and personal growth.


Each Whānau Class in the Senior School has a Junior Whānau Class buddy within their Awa.

At the end of each week, during Tuakana-Teina time, students from across the school connect to develop their Awa identity and culture and learn Te Paepae o Aotea values. Senior students lead, mentor and support juniors to support their wellbeing.